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Kepi Ghoulie is the author of some of our favorite monster punk rock songs, first with his band Groovie Ghoulies and now as a solo act. He also made the super fun children’s record “Kepi for kids” and published an art book featuring his ghoulish paintings. His new album is called Lost and Lovin’ and is out via his own Kepiland records. We chatted a little with him and had some fun in the dark.

LITTLE MONSTER: What was the first record you got as a child?

KEPI GHOULIE: Ha! would you believe the Monster Mash? yes, true! My mom bought it for me after I was taken for a vaccination and behaved well!

LITTLE MONSTER: Did your parents take you to any concerts when you were little?

KEPI GHOULIE: I saw Buddy Rich once!

LITTLE MONSTER: What cereal has the all time coolest mascot? And the cheesiest one?

KEPI GHOULIE: I guess Cap'n Crunch is pretty iconic, I used to like him quite a bit... now they make temporary cereals for Batman and Star Wars and stuff, so that kind of messes with things! The cheesiest mascots are the budget lines of cereal, where I believe they just use any old art... I wish they would come to me!

LITTLE MONSTER: What's your favorite time for painting?

KEPI GHOULIE: The best time to paint is when the inspiration hits you!

LITTLE MONSTER: What’s your favorite song from a cartoon series?

KEPI GHOULIE: The Groovie goolies theme is pretty good!

LITTLE MONSTER: If you had a Re-animation machine, what musician would you re-animate to jam with?

KEPI GHOULIE: Joey Ramone!

LITTLE MONSTER: Dee dee Ramone taught you how to count. Did you teach him how to spell?

KEPI GHOULIE: I tried to teach EVERYBODY to spell G R O O V I E G H O U L I E with "Ghoulies Are Go"! But I am not sure if it worked!

LITTLE MONSTER: Who would you put first on the guest list of your show? Bigfoot or Chupacabras?

KEPI GHOULIE: Oh, I think Chupacabras! He already shows up at my shows! I think Bigfoot is more shy... I think Bigfoot would just show up and sneak in if he REALLY wanted to...

LITTLE MONSTER: What do you think is the coolest monster from the movies?

KEPI GHOULIE: The coolest monsters are the GREEN ones!!! Frankenstein, Godzilla, Creature from the Black Lagoon!

LITTLE MONSTER: What’s the best part of dating a girl with five hands?

KEPI GHOULIE: EVERYTHING is great about dating someone with five hands! Haven't you heard the song? :)

Visit http://www.kepiland.com/